Zoth Raises $2.5 Million in Funding to Provide Sustainable RWA-Backed Yields 🎉🎉 Know More

Your Portal to Onchain
Real World Assets


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One of the Hottest Startups in 2024.

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Networks we are building on

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Access Institutional Grade Fixed Income Products

Discover unparalleled world of well-curated, secure and high yield Fixed Income opportunities, all through the use of Stablecoins


Accelerating Asset and Capital Flow with Institutional Grade Fixed Income Products

Connecting Traditional Finance and Onchain Finance, enabling new opportunities for enhanced liquidity and efficient tokenization mechanisms for RWAs.

High Quality Assets and Dynamic Liquidity Pools

Zoth's mutualized and robust pools are designed to tokenize and create liquidity for high-quality RWAs on-chain.


Institutional Grade Fixed Income Marketplace

Secure access to top-tier assets like trade finance receivables, sovereign government bonds, and corporate credit.


Compliant Products

Stringent compliant practices ensure that your investments are managed within a secure, regulatory-conforming environment across several jurisdictions.


As Featured In

Backed By The Best


Bridging liquidity across TradFi and Onchain Fi - One RWA at a time

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