Assets Originated
Onchain TVL
Open Ended
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Open Ended
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ZeUSD is an omnichain, composable, RWA backed CDP designed for the future of RWAFi.
ZeUSD operates seamlessly across multiple blockchains, allowing users to move assets freely and maximize liquidity in DeFi.
ZeUSD is a CDP stable token, collateralized by a mix of onchain and offchain high-quality RWAs.
Unlike traditional investment options, where valuable assets often remain offline, we bring the finest TradFi assets on-chain.
Liquidity is dynamically adjusted to mirror the performance of underlying assets, fostering long-term holding.
With ZeUSD, users can convert non-productive RWAs into reward generating, composable stable tokens, boosting liquidity and DeFi utility.
ZeUSD integrates with DEXs, liquidity pools, lending markets and yield farming platforms, making it ideal to maximize yield.
We are creating a multi-chain RWA ecosystem which is live across
9+ networks.
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